Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Neuroterus
Detachable: detachable
Color: white, yellow, tan
Texture: pubescent, hairy
Shape: globular, sphere
Season: Fall, Summer
Alignment: erect
Walls: thin
Location: lower leaf, between leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)
image of Neuroterus saltatorius (australis) (agamic)

The Gall Wasp Genus Neuroterus

Neuroterus saltatorius variety australis, new variety

GALL. — Rather spherical, slightly elongate, without an apical tip; entirely but very finely pubescent; rather small; on Quercus stellata.

RANGE. — Texas: Austin (Patterson collector).

The insects emerged from March 6 to 13, 1923. This gall has been known for some time, but the insect is not easily reared. Dr. Patterson secured only 11 females from many thousands of the galls, parasites being reared however in considerable numbers. This is probably a winter generation, but the summer generation may also be agamic, in a very similar gall. A variety of saltatorius also occurs on Q. stellata in the Middle West and thruout the Atlantic States, but australis is very probably confined to a limited southern area west of the Mississippi. Until we get more locality records I cannot suggest whether this area is in Central Texas or in more Eastern Texas and the adjacent states.

- Alfred Kinsey: (1923) The Gall Wasp Genus Neuroterus©


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