Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch 1851)
Brysocrypta hamamelidis Fitch, 1851.
Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch): Morgan & Shull, 1910.
Hormaphis shulliana Bomer, 1952.
Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch): von Dohlen and Gill (1989) [in part].
Gall: Conical with slight or no basal constriction, tip often bent to one side, protruding from upper leaf surface and usually on a major vein; length from tip to base on leaf underside 6.3-11.8 mm (mean = 8.1) and maximum width 3.1-5.5 mm (mean = 4.4). Base of gall on leaf undersurface circular and somewhat swollen beyond leaf surface, the circular opening at first obstructed by plant hairs, later forming a small exit hole. Color pale green, turning yellow.
Biology: The host is Hamamelis virginiana L., witch-hazel, on which conical leaf galls can be found from May through September. Eggs hatch in mid-April, and first- instar fundatrices crawl to leaf buds. At bud break (early May) first-instar fundatrices start feeding on emerging leaves and galls begin to form. By mid-June fundatrices are mature, and they reproduce sexuparous nymphs through September. Alate sexuparae leave galls from late July to September and produce nymphs of sexuales directly onto the undersides of witch-hazel leaves. From early August until late September, oviparae and males are found on undersides of witch-hazel leaves where they mature (by late August) and mate. Each ovipara lays several eggs in bark crevices on the host plant, usually on older stems with more bark texture but occasionally at the base of leaf buds. Overwintering eggs are found on witch-hazel from September to April. See von Dohlen and Gill (1989) for additional information.
Summary: Hormaphis hamamelidis forms small, conical galls usually without basal constriction, is autoecious on witch-hazel, and lives at high elevations in northern regions of the eastern United States. Hormaphis cornu forms larger, conical galls that are usually constricted at the base, is host-alternating between witch-hazel and river birch, and is found at low elevations in the mid-Atlantic and southern regions of the eastern United States.
Range: VA, DC, NY
”- Carol von Dohlen, Manya Stoetzel: (1991) Separation and redescription of Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch 1851) and Hormaphis cornu (Shimer 1867) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on witch-hazel in the eastern United States©
Reference: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/54815#page/554/mode/1up