Caryomyia cucurbitata Gagne, new species
Hosts: Carya tomentosa, ovata, texana
Gall (Figs. 149-151): Infrequent, on Eucarya hickories; on lower leaf surface, single or in row along major vein; length 3.0-5.0 mm, spheroidal at base, abruptly narrowed to slender neck of variable length, digitate at apex; yellow with spherical, red, resinous dots and sparse long or short white hair not obscuring surface, the neck brown or black, with white hairs; base with circular, shallow, central excavation; larval chamber basal, ovoid, white, surrounded by green tissue turning brown and woody; a bundle of fibers present between larval chamber and gall apex. The gall shows some similarity with that of C. ansericolla but the latter is not covered with resinous dots and occurs only on bitternut. Also generally close in shape is the gall of C. echinata but the latter is covered with long, stiff, straight hairs and occurs on the leaf lamina rather than the vein.
Range: AL, AR, KY, MD, MO, NC, OH, TN, WV
”- Raymond J. Gagne: (2008) The Gall Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Hickories (Juglandaceae: Carya)©