Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Neuroterus
Detachable: detachable
Color: white, yellow, green, tan
Texture: hairless, spotted
Abundance: rare
Shape: globular
Season: Fall, Summer
Alignment: erect
Walls: thick
Location: lower leaf, leaf midrib, on leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
Slide 1 of 3
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)
image of Neuroterus anthracinus (agamic)

Gallformers ID Notes

This is a European cynipid species documented only a few times in North America (see iNaturalist and BugGuide links below for collected observations).

- Gallformers Contributors: (2024) Gallformers ID Notes©

Further Information:

See Also:
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