Stegophylla quercina

Family: Aphididae | Genus: Stegophylla
Detachable: integral
Color: yellow, green
Season: Summer
Alignment: integral
Location: between leaf veins, leaf edge
Form: non-gall, leaf curl, leaf edge fold
Cells: not applicable
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Stegophylla quercina
image of Stegophylla quercina
image of Stegophylla quercina

Aphids on the world's plants

Stegophylla quercina Quednau (= quercicola of Blackman & Eastop 1994)

Apterae are pale yellowish-green with brown head, covered with bluish-white wax wool; BL 1.6-1.9 mm. On leaves of Quercus spp., usually of the red oak group, in dense flocculent masses which may cause curling and yellowing (Quednau, 1966). Oviparae and apterous males occur in October (the males are true apterae without a sclerotised thorax). In eastern North America. Quednau (2010) distinguished two subspecies, with S. quercina s.str. known from Quebec and New York (BMNH collection, leg. R.L. Blackman), and S. quercina acutirostris Quednau, known from Wisconsin and North Carolina. The latter subspecies makes pseudogalls on the infested Quercus spp. (Quednau 2010). 2n > 30 (for quercina s. str.).

- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©


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