Thecabius (Parathecabius) lysimachiae Borner
Galls containing developing emigrant alatae are formed by folding and convoluting the leaf of Populus nigra (fig. 131J). The fundatrix inhabits a separate oval pocket-gall on the upper side of the leaf lamina, as in other Parathecabius. Alatae (BL 2.3-2.6 mm, with dark, dirty greenish abdomen) migrate in late June-July to roots and runners of Lysimachia spp., especially L. nummularia. Other species, e.g. Lysimachia (= Glaux) maritima, may also be colonised. Apterae on Lysimachia are brownish or greyish green, with wax; BL 1.1-1.8 mm. Alate sexuparae return to poplars in September, but anholocyclic overwintering on Lysimachia is also common. In Europe, North Africa (Tunisia; Boukhris-Bouhachem et al. 2007) and central Asia, and recently (2000) recorded from New York State, USA (Foottit et al. 2006). T. luppovae (Narzikulov), described from Populus densa (= P. talassica) in Tajikistan, may be a synonym. 2n=18.
”- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©