Eriosoma (Schizoneura) grossulariae (Schüle)
Forming open, green to yellow curled-leaf galls on Ulmus spp. (fig. 134L), similar to those of E. ulmi, with which this species was confused for many years (see Danielsson 1982). Immature alatae in galls are light green (cf. ulmi), maturing in June; dark green when adult, migrating to found colonies on roots of Ribes sanguineum and R. uvacrispa. Apterous exules are pale red to yellowish white in white wax wool; BL 1.0-2.3 mm. Alate sexuparae in autumn bluish grey to black, with secondary rhinaria distributed III 15-24, IV 2-5. Throughout Europe, Japan, and also introduced on European elms into North America. 2n=10.
”- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©