Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)

The inducer of this gall is unknown or undescribed.
Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Neuroterus
Detachable: detachable
Color: pink, red, white, yellow, tan
Texture: hairy
Shape: numerous, spangle/button
Season: Spring
Alignment: erect
Walls: thin
Location: lower leaf, between leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)
image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)
image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)
image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)
image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)
image of Neuroterus q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer (agamic)

Gallformers ID Notes

A small, saucer-shaped gall similar to Neuroterus tantulus, but differing in the presence of a distinct fringe of white or red hairs pointing away from the center on the upper side (Weld describes N tantulus as "almost bare"). Observed on Quercus alba, macrocarpa, and stellata.

They differ from Neuroterus umbilicatus in having a flat crimped edge rather than a thick raised rim. N umbilicatus also has short hairs distributed evenly around the rim, while this gall has them primarily on the central area near the papilla. On Quercus macrocarpa, they differ from Neuroterus saltarius in the presence of hairs and in the flatter, rimmed shape rather than the more rectangular "pill-box" silhouette of saltarius. Galls matching this description have been observed on Quercus macrocarpa and alba; they may or may not be conspecific.

- Gallformers Contributors: (2023) Gallformers ID Notes©

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Unless noted otherwise in the ID Notes, observations of this gall are collected in the Observation Field Gallformers Code with value q-macrocarpa-hairy-saucer on iNaturalist. You can view them here:
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