Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall

The inducer of this gall is unknown or undescribed.
Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Ampelomyia
Detachable: detachable
Color: white, yellow, black
Texture: hairless
Shape: conical, cylindrical
Season: Spring, Summer
Alignment: integral, leaning
Walls: thick
Location: lower leaf, between leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall
image of Ampelomyia v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall

The plant-feeding gall midges of North America

Schizomyia sp.

Complex, woody, node gall or dehiscent spine gall on leaf.
The spinelike galls usually occur on the leaves and are monothalamous.

Figure 432e

Range: eastern half of North America

- Raymond J. Gagne: (1989) The plant-feeding gall midges of North America©

Further Information:

See Also:
Unless noted otherwise in the ID Notes, observations of this gall are collected in the Observation Field Gallformers Code with value v-mustangensis-lower-tube-gall on iNaturalist. You can view them here:
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