Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa

Family: Aphididae | Genus: Kaltenbachiella
Detachable: integral
Color: yellow, green
Texture: hairy
Shape: spindle
Season: Summer
Alignment: erect
Walls: thin
Location: upper leaf, leaf midrib
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s): Slippery elm gall aphid
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image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
image of Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa

Aphids on the world's plants

Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa (Walsh & Riley)

Galls on Ulmus rubra are large, spindle-shaped, bag-like, about 2.5 cm long, green when young and becoming straw-coloured when mature, projecting upward from mid-rib of leaf (fig. 134I and Patch 1910b). Emigrant alatae, BL 1.4-1.5 mm, with media either unbranched or once-branched, leave galls in June-July to found colonies on roots of Lamiaceae; successful transfers were made to Lycopus virginicus (Smith 1985). Apterous exules are yellowish orange with wax-wool (C.F. Smith, pers. comm.); BL unrecorded. Distributed throughout the range of U. rubra in North America, and recently reported (on Ulmus) in China (Jiang et al. 2004).

- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©

Reference: http://www.aphidsonworldsplants.info/d_APHIDS_K.htm#Kaltenbachiella

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