Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall

The inducer of this gall is unknown or undescribed.
Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Walshomyia
Detachable: detachable
Color: brown, orange, green
Texture: honeydew, glaucous, spiky/thorny
Shape: conical, cluster
Location: bud
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s): Cone Gall Midge (Walshomyia sp. B), Juniper Cone Gall Midge
Slide 1 of 4
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall
image of Walshomyia j-osteosperma-cone-gall

Gallformers ID Notes

Cone Gall Midge
*Walshomyia sp. B (Russo)

Closed-bract cone-shaped bud galls occurring on several species of Juniper in the Western US. Galls are 20mm across and are often clustered. Green when fresh and brown with age.

Fresh galls have been observed in Mono County, CA on June 20, 2020 and can be seen here and here. Galls have also been observed in Oregon in May.

Juniperus occidentalis
Juniperus californica
Juniperus osteosperma (syn. Juniperus utahensis)

- Gallformers Contributors: (2023) Gallformers ID Notes©

Further Information:

See Also:
Unless noted otherwise in the ID Notes, observations of this gall are collected in the Observation Field Gallformers Code with value j-osteosperma-cone-gall on iNaturalist. You can view them here:
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