Andricus wheeleri sp. nov.
Gall.--Polythalamous. Brown with a grayish tint, hard and woody. Irregularly rounded or elongate, somewhat potato-shaped. Measures from about 14 to 20 mm. in width and from 15 to 30 mm. in length.
Habitat.- Coconino Forest, rim of the Grand Canion, Arizona; altitude 7,000 feet. (William M. Wheeler).
The galls of this species occur around the smaller twigs of an unknown species of scrub oak. They somewhat resemble Andricus medullae and batatoides Ashmead, but the fly is different. The flies may be distinguished by the divergent anterior lines, absence of the median groove from the scutellum, and rufous color. It is allied to Andricus medullae Ashmead.
”- William Beutenmuller: (1907) Notes on a few North American Cynipidae, with descriptions of new species©