Key to American Insect Galls
EP Felt
Public Domain / CC0
Publication Year:
Citation (MLA Form):
Felt, Ephraim Porter. Key to American insect galls. No. 200. University of the State of New York, 1917.
Connected Species:
Taxon Type
Aceria calaceris
Gall Former
Aceria celtis
Gall Former
Aceria dina
Gall Former
Aceria elongata
Gall Former
Aceria major
Gall Former
Aceria modesta
Gall Former
Aceria negundi
Gall Former
Aceria nyssae
Gall Former
Aceria spicati
Gall Former
Aceria vaga
Gall Former
Acericecis ocellaris
Gall Former
Acraspis gemula (sexgen)
Gall Former
Aculops aenigma
Gall Former
Aculus minutissimus
Gall Former
Aculus quinquilobus
Gall Former
Agrilus politus
Gall Former
Agromyza deserta
Gall Former
Ampeloglypter sesostris
Gall Former
Ampelomyia viticola
Gall Former
Ampelomyia vitiscoryloides
Gall Former
Ampelomyia vitispomum
Gall Former
Amphibolips acuminata (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips confluenta
Gall Former
Amphibolips cookii (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips femoratus (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips globulus (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips ilicifoliae (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips melanocera (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips niger (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips nubilipennis (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercuscinerea
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercuscitriformis
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercuscoelebs (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercusfuliginosa (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercusinanis (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercusostensackenii (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercusracemaria (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips quercusspongifica (sexgen)
Gall Former
Amphibolips spinosa (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips tinctoriae (agamic)
Gall Former
Amphibolips trizonata (sexgen)
Gall Former
Andricus foliaformis (sexgen)
Gall Former
Andricus pilula (sexgen)
Gall Former
Andricus quercusfrondosus (agamic)
Gall Former
Andricus robustus (agamic)
Gall Former
Andricus texanus (agamic)
Gall Former
Andricus wheeleri (agamic)
Gall Former
Anthocoptes transitionalis
Gall Former
Callirhytis exigua (sexgen)
Gall Former
Callirhytis favosa (sexgen)
Gall Former
Callirhytis gemmiformis (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis glandulus (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis infuscata (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis lanata (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis perditor (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis piperoides (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis quercuspunctata (agamic)
Gall Former
Callirhytis tubicola (agamic)
Gall Former
Caryadiplosis biconvexa
Gall Former
Caryomyia ansericollum
Gall Former
Caryomyia antennata
Gall Former
Caryomyia caryae
Gall Former
Caryomyia cynipsea
Gall Former
Caryomyia deflexipili
Gall Former
Caryomyia hirtidolium
Gall Former
Caryomyia holotricha
Gall Former
Caryomyia inanis
Gall Former
Caryomyia persicoides
Gall Former
Caryomyia sanguinolenta
Gall Former
Caryomyia stellata
Gall Former
Caryomyia subulata
Gall Former
Caryomyia thompsoni
Gall Former
Caryomyia tuberculata
Gall Former
Caryomyia tubicola
Gall Former
Cecidomyia hageni
Gall Former
Celticecis capsularis
Gall Former
Celticecis celtiphyllia
Gall Former
Celticecis expulsa
Gall Former
Celticecis pubescens
Gall Former
Celticecis semenrumicis
Gall Former
Celticecis spiniformis
Gall Former
Celticecis wellsi
Gall Former
Colomerus vitis
Gall Former
Contarinia a-negundo-bead-gall
Gall Former
Contarinia cockerelli
Gall Former
Contarinia johnsoni
Gall Former
Contarinia negundinis
Gall Former
Cryptorhynchus lapathi
Gall Former
Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
Gall Former
Dasineura aceris
Gall Former
Dasineura communis
Gall Former
Dasineura corticis
Gall Former
Dasineura gemmae
Gall Former
Dasineura meibomiae
Gall Former
Dasineura plicata
Gall Former
Dasineura rileyana
Gall Former
Dasineura salicifolia
Gall Former
Diastrophus turgidus
Gall Former
Disholcaspis bassetti (agamic)
Gall Former
Disholcaspis quercusmamma (agamic)
Gall Former
Dryocosmus cinereae (sexgen)
Gall Former
Dryocosmus floridensis (agamic)
Gall Former
Eriophyes aceris
Gall Former
Eriophyes salicicola
Gall Former
Eriophyes semen
Gall Former
Euura bebbianae
Gall Former
Euura cooperae
Gall Former
Euura cosensii
Gall Former
Euura macgillivrayi
Gall Former
Euura orbitalis
Gall Former
Euura petiolaridis
Gall Former
Euura propinqua
Gall Former
Euura proxima
Gall Former
Euura salicisdesmodioides
Gall Former
Euura salicisnodus
Gall Former
Euura salicisovum
Gall Former
Euura salicispisum
Gall Former
Euura salicispomum
Gall Former
Evoxysoma vitis
Gall Former
Feron clarkei (sexgen)
Gall Former
Gliaspilota glutinosa
Gall Former
Harmandiola nucicola
Gall Former
Heliozela aesella
Gall Former
Heteroecus chrysolepidis (agamic)
Gall Former
Iteomyia salicifolia
Gall Former
Iteomyia salicisverruca
Gall Former
Kokkocynips decidua (agamic)
Gall Former
Lasioptera querciperda
Gall Former
Livia maculipennis
Gall Former
Lygocecis packardi
Gall Former
Lygocecis porterae
Gall Former
Macrodiplosis majalis
Gall Former
Neolasioptera vitinea
Gall Former
Neuroterus bassettii (sexgen)
Gall Former
Neuroterus clarkeae (sexgen)
Gall Former
Neuroterus consimilis (agamic)
Gall Former
Neuroterus laurifoliae (agamic)
Gall Former
Neuroterus niger (agamic)
Gall Former
Neuroterus pallidus (sexgen)
Gall Former
Neuroterus papillosus (sexgen)
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidisasterisca
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidiscucurbita
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidisgemma
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidisglobula
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidismamma
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidispubescens
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidisumbilicus
Gall Former
Pachypsylla celtidisvesicula
Gall Former
Pachypsylla venusta
Gall Former
Phylloteras rubinum (agamic)
Gall Former
Phylloteras volutellae (agamic)
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaeavellana
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaecaulis
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaefallax
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaefoliae
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaegummosa
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaeren
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaescissa
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaesemen
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaesepta
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaesepta (perforans)
Gall Former
Phylloxera caryaevenae
Gall Former
Phylloxera conica
Gall Former
Phylloxera deplanata
Gall Former
Phylloxera depressa
Gall Former
Phylloxera devastatrix
Gall Former
Phylloxera foveata
Gall Former
Phylloxera foveola
Gall Former
Phylloxera georgiana
Gall Former
Phylloxera globosa
Gall Former
Phylloxera intermedia
Gall Former
Phylloxera minima
Gall Former
Phylloxera notabilis
Gall Former
Phylloxera perniciosa
Gall Former
Phylloxera picta
Gall Former
Phylloxera pilosula
Gall Former
Phylloxera rimosalis
Gall Former
Phylloxera spinuloides
Gall Former
Phylloxera subelliptica
Gall Former
Phylloxera symmetrica
Gall Former
Phylloxerina nyssae
Gall Former
Prodecatoma cooki
Gall Former
Rabdophaga americana
Gall Former
Rabdophaga caulicola
Gall Former
Rabdophaga cornuta
Gall Former
Rabdophaga globosa
Gall Former
Rabdophaga latipennis
Gall Former
Rabdophaga normaniana
Gall Former
Rabdophaga perocculta
Gall Former
Rabdophaga persimilis
Gall Former
Rabdophaga podagrae
Gall Former
Rabdophaga racemi
Gall Former
Rabdophaga rigidae
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicis
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicisbatatus
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicisbrassicoides
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicisgnaphalioides
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicisnodulus
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicisrhodoides
Gall Former
Rabdophaga salicistriticoides
Gall Former
Rabdophaga strobiloides
Gall Former
Rabdophaga tumidosae
Gall Former
Rabdophaga walshii
Gall Former
Rhopalomyia bulbula
Gall Former
Rhopalomyia erigerontis
Gall Former
Rhopalomyia glutinosa
Gall Former
Rhopalomyia gutierreziae
Gall Former
Rhyncaphytoptus magnificus
Gall Former
Saperda inornata
Gall Former
Synanthedon acerni
Gall Former
Unknown n-sylvatica-twig-swelling
Gall Former
Unknown s-alba-capsule-gall
Gall Former
Unknown s-alba-edge-roll
Gall Former
Unknown s-amygdaloides-red-pocket-gall
Gall Former
Unknown s-eriocephala-capsule-gall
Gall Former
Unknown salix-blasted-tip
Gall Former
Unknown salix-midrib-fold
Gall Former
Vasates aceriscrumena
Gall Former
Vasates quadripedes
Gall Former
Vitisiella brevicauda
Gall Former
Xylotrechus aceris
Gall Former