Eriophyes semen

Family: Eriophyidae | Genus: Eriophyes
Detachable: integral
Color: yellow, green
Shape: numerous
Season: Spring, Summer
Alignment: integral
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, between leaf veins
Cells: not applicable
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
missing image of Eriophyes semen

Amrine Catalog

Eriophyes? semen

Cecidomyia salicis semen
Eriophyes? salicasemen
Salicis semen
Acarus semen

Hosts: Salix nigra

Relationship: Galls; a pocket or capsule-gall irregularly hemispherical, greenish yellow, with a projecting aperture; on both surfaces, mostly upper.

Range: IL, IN

Eriophyes? salicaesemen [listed as junior synonym of Eriophyes? semen]

Host: Salix nigra?

Relationship: Galls

Range: IL

Notes: The gall was originally described in 1864 as Salicis semen. See Chadwick 1908, p. 146, for early synonymy. This name was missed by Davis et al., 1982. Is this gall-forming mite the same as Aculus tetanothrix (Nalepa)? Is it another sibiling species? Then, salicaesemen would hold priority. Amrine & Stasny (1994) combined the two names provided by Walsh without knowing that it had already been designated semen by other authors.

- James Amrine: (2019) Amrine Catalog©

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