Rabdophaga salicisbatatus
Host: Salix humilis and many other species of Salix
Swollen twigs
Internodal twig swelling without foreshortening the stem
Twig swelling very large, soft, sometimes resembling a potato in shape
[A drawing of this gall appears on page 282, Figure 416]
This gall is variable but usually polythalamous and bulging abruptly out of the twig. One generation occurs per year. Adults emerge from the galls in spring. An apparently inquilinous cecidomyiid, “Cecidomyia” orbitalis Walsh, was reportedly reared from these galls. The type specimens are lost, so the species cannot be identified to genus.
Range: New England to California
”- Raymond J. Gagne: (1989) The plant-feeding gall midges of North America©