Gliaspilota glutinosa

Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Gliaspilota
Detachable: integral
Color: yellow, green, black
Texture: honeydew, hairless
Abundance: occasional
Season: Summer
Alignment: integral
Walls: thin
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, between leaf veins
Form: leaf spot
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa
image of Gliaspilota glutinosa

The Gall Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Hickories (Juglandaceae: Carya)

Gliaspilota glutinosa (Osten Sacken), new combination

Cecidomyia glutinosa Osten Sacken 1862: 193; Felt 1909: 115 {Caryomyia); Gagne 1989: 211 {Cecidomyia); Gag- ne 2004: 277, as unplaced species of Cecidomyiinae.

Hosts: Carya cordiformis, glabra, tomentosa, ovata

Gall (Figs. 175-177): Occasional on both Eucarya and Apocarya sections, single or several on the underside of a leaflet; a discolored, mustard-yellow, irrregularly ovate spot on the leaf lamina, 5-8 mm in diameter; presence apparent from top of leaf only by discoloration, but on bottom of leaf covered with a colorless mucilaginous substance.

Biological notes. — Usually one, up to three free-living larvae can be seen in the liquid on each spot on the lower surface of leaflets. After full-grown larvae drop to the ground, the tissue under the mucilage dries, and the leaf is left with an ir- regular, brown spot. In northeastern United States fresh galls can be found as early as mid-April. Larvae have all dropped to the soil by mid-June. In Florida I found fresh galls in September, so it is possible this species has more than one generation per year there.

Range: AR, FL, MD, MA, MS, NY, TX, DC, WV

- Raymond J. Gagne: (2008) The Gall Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Hickories (Juglandaceae: Carya)©


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