Phylloxera georgiana

Family: Phylloxeridae | Genus: Phylloxera
Detachable: integral
Color: red, yellow, green
Shape: globular
Walls: ostiole
Location: petiole, stem
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Phylloxera georgiana
image of Phylloxera georgiana
image of Phylloxera georgiana
image of Phylloxera georgiana
image of Phylloxera georgiana
image of Phylloxera georgiana

North American Phylloxerinae affecting hicoria (Carya) and other trees

Phylloxera Georgiana Pergande, n. sp.

The galls of this species closely resemble those of Ph. devastatrix, being of the same shape, size and color; but the winged form is quite different and may readily be distinguished by its much paler wings and venation and particularly by the shorter antennae and much larger sensorial membranes of the third joint.

The galls grow either singly or in close clusters upon the tender twigs and petioles and often recall in appearance the galls of Cynips q.-ficus. Those growing in clusters are more or less irregular in shape, whereas those growing singly are quite globular and frequently provided with a short nipple. Their size varies from three-sixteenths to one-half inch in diameter; color either uniformly greenish-yellow, sometimes reddish on one side or around the base, or entirely dark red.

- Theo. Pergande: (1904) North American Phylloxerinae affecting hicoria (Carya) and other trees©


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