Phylloxera minima

Family: Phylloxeridae | Genus: Phylloxera
Detachable: integral
Color: red, green
Shape: numerous
Season: Summer
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, between leaf veins
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
Dactylosphaera minimum
missing image of Phylloxera minima

A summers study of hickory galls, with descriptions of supposed new insects bred therefrom

Dactylosphaera minimum, n. sp.
Gall No. 7

Hosts: Carya amara [cordiformis]

Small round galls, generally very numerous in the leaves, and in some cases almost entirely covering them, a single leaf sometimes containing upwards of 250 galls ; the average size larger than those of No. 8, although often quite as small, the larger ones measuring three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. They were (June 25th) quite hard and smooth, and present, especially above, a bright shining appearance; They were quite thick and plump, the vertical diameter Compared with the horizontal diameter being as 2 to 3, and were much more plump and elevated above the leaf than those of No. 8. The portions of the leaf between the gulls had in some cases turned crimson. I found from three to twenty-five inhabitants in a gall; the round opening beneath was so close as to be pretty safe against enemies, as I found none in the galls opened thus far. Larvae and pupae whitish, with red eyes; mother insect cinnamon color and smaller than the pupa.

On July 5th, I found winged imagos in all the galls, large and small, that were opened, the smallest galls not much exceeding .05 inch in diameter; when opened, the young insects eagerly ran out, and all presented the same pale, translucent appearance, with minute dark spots on the anterior part of the body, which is in contrast with the inhabitants of gall No. 8. The winged imago was first observed on June 30th.

- Henry Shimer: (1868) A summers study of hickory galls, with descriptions of supposed new insects bred therefrom©


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