Phylloxera caryaeglobuli

Family: Phylloxeridae | Genus: Phylloxera
Detachable: integral
Color: pink, red, white, yellow, green, purple
Texture: pubescent, hairy, hairless
Abundance: abundant
Shape: globular, hemispherical
Season: Spring, Summer
Alignment: erect
Walls: thick, slit
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, between leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
image of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli

Species Diversity of Hickory-feeding Phylloxerans (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in the U.S.

Phylloxera caryaeglobuli

Hosts: Carya ovata

Leaf gall: globular [shape]

Globular above, much more convex above than below, light green or yellowish-green sometimes with a hint of red, often with several small openings near apex of gall, and occurs between leaf veins; below almost white and opening a pubescent transverse slit.

Range: AR, MD, MS, TX, VA, WV

- Fredericka Blair Hamilton: (2019) Species Diversity of Hickory-feeding Phylloxerans (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in the U.S.©

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