Phylloxera vitifoliae Fitch
The life history of the phylloxera is quite complicated and. varies considerably, according to type of grape infested and the climate of the country inhabited by it. The phylloxera may be disseminated from nurseries on vines, or on vines from infested vineyards, and new centers of infestation come about principally in this way. In California spread from these centers is due to migration from infested vines over the soil, or through cracks in the soil of the small root-inhabiting nymphs or larvae (fig. 53). These small larvae may also be born6 by wind and by picking boxes, and in hilly or irrigated vineyards perhaps some are carried by water. The winged form in that State appears not to be a factor of importance in the dissemination of the species.
”- AL Quaintance, CL Shear: (1907) Insect and fungous enemies of the grape east of the Rocky Mountains©