Phylloxera texana Stoetzel
Galls on leaves of Carya illinoensis are globular, projecting mainly on upper side of leaf, with a small point below; diameter 4-6 mm (Stoetzel 1981). Alatae (BL 1.0-1.6 mm, with golden yellow abdomen) emerge in mid to late May through a large opening in the top of the gall, which splits into bracts. In Texas, USA. Host-alternating; alatae from galls colonised undersides of leaves of Quercus spp. (falcata, virginiana), these colonies producing both alatae and apterae in June (Stoetzel 1985b). The return migration to pecan has not been observed.
”- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©