Phylloxera castaneae (Haldeman)
Apterae are pale yellow, BL c. 1 mm, on both sides of leaves, especially along the mid-ribs, of Castanea spp. (dentata, mollissima, pumila, sativa) in north-eastern USA (New York, Maryland, D.C., West Virginia). Infested leaves become much distorted and desiccated. Stoetzel (1985b) demonstrated host alternation in West Virginia from galls on Carya tomentosa. The galls and gall generations have not yet been described; the galls are similar to those of P. intermedia (M.B. Stoetzel, pers. comm.). Alatae from these galls gave rise to large populations on Castanea spp., causing yellow discoloration along the leaf veins. Pergande (1904) drew attention to the fact that most of the immatures on the upper sides of the chestnut leaves were bright orange (as opposed to pale yellow), and had longer tubercles than those on the undersides; his name spinifera is available for this form should it prove to be specifically distinct.
”- Roger Blackman, Victor Eastop: (2013) Aphids on the world's plants©