Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Neuroterus
Detachable: integral
Color: brown, green
Texture: stiff, hairless, succulent
Season: Spring, Summer
Alignment: integral
Walls: thick
Location: petiole, leaf midrib
Form: abrupt swelling
Cells: polythalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s): Noxious oak gall
Neuroterus noxiosus
Cynips noxiosa
Neuroterus batatus form vernalis
Neuroterus batatus variety noxiosus
Neuroterus noxiosa
Neuroterus noxiosus form vernalis
Slide 1 of 7
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)
image of Neuroterus quercusbatatus (sexgen) (q-bicolor)

New Cynipidae (1881)

Cynips noxiosa, n. sp.

[Cynips noxiosa (Neuroterus quercusbatatus) agamic galls] are invariably preceded by a vernal crop, which affects the leaves only, and which may be described as follows: Gall, an enormous development of the mid-vein of the leaf, often to the extent of an inch in diameter and an inch and a half in length. Green, smooth, but irregular in shape, and succulent and a little harder than a green grape. The blade of the leaf dwarfed and curled, and after the galls mature drying up. In some years these galls are so abundant on certain trees as to affect nearly all the vernal leaves, but a later crop hides the blighted appearance they produce. They are filled with larval cells, from which are produced vast numbers of male and female gall flies, about the 20th of June. Long observation has satisfied me that this is the bisexual generation of C noxiosa.

- HF Bassett: (1881) New Cynipidae (1881)©


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