Neuroterus sadlerensis, new species
Hosts: Quercus sadleriana
Gall (fig. 28). — Greenish-yellow succulent enlargement of the midrib and adjacent parenchyma of the basal portions of the outermost leaves in a terminal cluster and causing a more or less complete reduction of the blade of the inner leaves in the cluster producing a conspicuous rosette at the end of the twig. In July.
This is the first cynipid to be reported from Sadler's oak. The species would go in the subgenus Dolichostrophus and is related to Neuroterus washingtonensis Beutenmueller.
Habitat. — The type material was collected July 20, 1922, on the ridge above the Oregon Caves National Monument in the Siskiyou mountains near Holland, Oreg., at an elevation of 6,000 feet. Adults of both sexes emerged by July 28.
”- LH Weld: (1926) Field notes on gall-inhabiting cynipid wasps with descriptions of new species©