Callirhytis flora, new species
Host. — Quercus wislizeni
Gall. — An abrupt smooth and polished swelling of the midrib on the under side at the base of the leaf blade and rarely extending half the length of the leaf, 10-30 mm. long by 6-9 mm. in diameter; polythalamous, hard.
Habitat. — The type locality is Mount Tamalpais, Marin County, California, where galls were collected May 25, 1918. Galls were also collected at Camp Baldy June 15. In both cases flies issued and died in the packets before August 14. The galls were seen also at Bagby, Los Gatos, and Santa Margarita. The new galls start to develop in April and are full grown in about a month. A similar gall occurs on Q. agrifolia, and when reared it will probably prove to be caused by this species.
”- LH Weld: (1922) Notes on cynipid wasps, with descriptions of new North American species©