Belonocnema treatae (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Belonocnema
Detachable: detachable
Color: brown, red, purple
Texture: hairy
Shape: sphere
Season: Fall, Summer
Alignment: erect
Walls: thick
Location: lower leaf, on leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)
image of Belonocnema treatae (agamic)

Cynipid galls of the eastern United States

Belonocnema fossoria [not a formal synonym per Zhang but Weld uses this name to cover leaf galls of this genus on both Quercus virginiana and geminata. The former is B treatae.]

Quercus virginiana, geminata
Leaf galls, detachable
Tan, smooth, globular galls on under side of leaf in numbers in the fall.

[Photo caption]
Fig 230. On Q virginiana. Also on Q geminata. Adults emerged 8-13. In two cases where the galls were numerous on the leaves in the fall shriveled old galls of Belonocnema treatae Mayr were found on the roots.

- LH Weld: (1959) Cynipid galls of the eastern United States©


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