Dryophanta clavula, sp. nov.
Gall. — On the under side of the leaves of a species of white oak (probably Quercus douglasi). Monothalamous. Narrow and almost parallel to about the middle, thence suddenly becoming inflated into a club with the apex pointed. At the extreme base it is slightly broader and is attached by a point to the leaf. The gall very much resembles a miniature Indian club in shape. Brown in color, and the larva lives in the inflated part of the gall in a rounded cell. Length, 5-7 mm. ; width of narrow part, 1 mm., of thickened part, 1.75 mm.
Habitat: — California (Napa and Sonoma Countries). Described from twelve specimens.
”- William Beutenmuller: (1911) Descriptions of New Species of Cynipidae©
Reference: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/84930#page/27/mode/1up