Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Disholcaspis
Detachable: detachable
Color: brown, gray, pink, white, black, tan
Texture: honeydew, hairy, mealy
Abundance: abundant
Shape: globular, sphere
Season: Fall, Summer
Walls: thick
Location: stem
Form: bullet
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
Slide 1 of 5
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis cinerosa (agamic)

New Cynipidae (1881)

C. cinerosa, n. sp.
"Globular, monothalamous galls, from three-fourths to one inch in diameter, the surface in recent specimens covered with a mealy grayish powder, which disappears when the galls have been long exposed to the weather; internally of a dense cellular structure, much like the galls of C. q. globulus; the rather large, centrally placed larval cell nearly or quite free."

- HF Bassett: (1881) New Cynipidae (1881)©


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